
Showing posts from June, 2018

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

The doctors and staff of Mercer-Ocean Podiatry can help diagnose and heal that pain in your heel!  The sole of the foot is known as the plantar area, and the plantar fascia is the largest ligament in your foot.  It acts as a shock-absorber that supports the arch of the foot. If too much tension and stress are put on the ligament, this can result in small tears in the fascia and cause plantar fasciitis, the term for when this area becomes inflamed. Plantar fasciitis is usually diagnosed after a physical or foot examination. Plantar fasciitis can develop alone or it may be a symptom of an underlying condition. Excess weight, as well as activities like running, dancing, and jumping can increase a patient’s risk for developing plantar fasciitis. Symptoms of Plantar fasciitis include pain in the foot arch and heel, stiffness in the plantar area, and tenderness in the sole of the foot.  If you are suffering from heel pain, try resting your foot and icing the area. Changing the type of shoes

Pediatric Foot Care

Foot problems in your child may appear at birth, or once your child is walking. Walking abnormally, or walking pigeon-toed is often the first sign that something is wrong with your child’s foot or their feet. Young children and teenagers may develop foot and ankle problems later in life, but they should never be ignored. If you notice any foot issues, schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank Killian of Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC. Children’s feet require special attention because their bones, muscles, and ligaments are all developing as they grow. This is why scheduling a pediatric foot exam at Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC, is important. Exams of the feet and ankles ensure that your child’s bones are growing correctly. And if a problem does arise, it can be handled early – when easiest to treat. In addition, it is important to practice proper foot care with your child such as cutting his or her toenails straight across, keep feet clean and dry, and take the necessary steps to prevent foot inj

Athlete’s Foot Causes and Treatment

Walking barefoot in wet, dark, communal areas that other people often frequent will increase a person’s risk of developing athlete’s foot. These places may include indoor or outdoor swimming pools, communal showers at the gym, or locker rooms. Athlete’s foot is a term used to describe an inflammatory skin disease that affects the sole of the foot and the skin between the toes. Dr. Frank Killian of Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC, is here to tell you what to look for so you can discover ways to treat the problem. Athlete’s foot may appear as a red, scaly, raw-appearing rash that occasionally may be accompanied by small blisters. Some people are more prone to this condition, while others are fairly resistant to it. Because fungal infections such as athlete’s foot thrive off of warmth and moisture, it’s best to keep the feet dry and free of sweat as much as possible. If you notice any redness, increased swelling of the foot or bleeding, contact us immediately to discuss treatment options. If yo

Foot Care During Pregnancy

Mercer-Ocean Podiatry has seen many pregnant women navigate the changes in their feet throughout pregnancy, and swollen feet are the most common foot woe.  The body increases the overall amount of fluid in your body to help support the pregnancy, and this can end up your lower extremities. Gravity also plays a role, pulling that extra fluid down to your feet.  If you experience a lot of swelling, watching your salt intake can help because salt will make you retain fluid. There are a few instances when you should see a doctor about swelling. If you notice asymmetrical swelling, one foot much larger than the other, it could indicate a circulation issue. Legs can also experience swelling and cramping.  Stretching when you can and adding more calcium and potassium to your diet can keep cramps at bay.  Staying hydrated is important throughout pregnancy and will also help with cramping.  For cramping and swelling, it’s important to elevate the feet whenever possible.  Do not cross your legs,