Foot Care During Pregnancy

Mercer-Ocean Podiatry has seen many pregnant women navigate the changes in their feet throughout pregnancy, and swollen feet are the most common foot woe.  The body increases the overall amount of fluid in your body to help support the pregnancy, and this can end up your lower extremities. Gravity also plays a role, pulling that extra fluid down to your feet.  If you experience a lot of swelling, watching your salt intake can help because salt will make you retain fluid. There are a few instances when you should see a doctor about swelling. If you notice asymmetrical swelling, one foot much larger than the other, it could indicate a circulation issue.

Legs can also experience swelling and cramping.  Stretching when you can and adding more calcium and potassium to your diet can keep cramps at bay.  Staying hydrated is important throughout pregnancy and will also help with cramping.  For cramping and swelling, it’s important to elevate the feet whenever possible.  Do not cross your legs, and if possible elevate your feet above your heart – this helps blood flow back to your lungs and heart and relieves pressure on your feet.  Proper footwear is also important, and some women’s feet can change permanently in size up to a full shoe size during pregnancy.  Ill-fitting shoes won’t only be uncomfortable but will increase the odds of ingrown toenails which can be painful.  A slip-on shoe may seem like the comfiest option but won’t provide enough support.  The best shoe to wear has a lot of support and a tie closure. 

To learn more about foot care during pregnancy and all the services we provide at our office, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frank Killian of Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC, call our Hamilton, NJ, office at 609-585-3200 or our Toms River, NJ, office at 732-557-4266.


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