Hallux Rigidus

Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC offer treatment for a variety of feet conditions and issues. Drs. Frank J. Killian and Sameep Chandrani are experienced in all areas and treatments. This includes Hallux Rigidus. This is a condition that affects the joints of the big toe. It results in pain and stiffness in the big toe.


If you have Hallux Rigidus, you will notice an increase in pain when walking or running. It’s also worse when it is cold or damp outside. The most common indicator is swelling and inflammation around the big toe joint. Once it progresses, your big toe will hurt even when resting. You may experience bone spurs. It can get so painful that many patients begin to limp. This will put a strain on your ankles, knees, hips and lower back.


Hallux Rigidus is a form of degenerative arthritis. The cartilage in the joint will wear out and cause pain. In certain cases, this is caused by misalignment of the feet or genetic deformities in the foot.


In many cases, anti-inflammatory medication will bring down the pain and swelling. Physical therapy is commonly recommended. The main form of treatment occurs in the form of shoe modification and orthotics. Surgery is only used as a last resort measure.


Drs. Frank J. Killian and Sameep Chandrani are located at Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC. They are available for appointment by scheduling online or over the phone. To contact our Mercerville/Hamilton Township, NJ. office, call 609-585-3200. For the Toms River, NJ. office, call 732-557-4266.


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