Preventing Falls

Preventing seniors from falling makes a life-or-death difference. Each year, one fourth of the Americans over the age of sixty-five will suffer a fall, and many will have difficulty walking afterward even if they are able to get back up. Keeping people on their feet requires the help of a lot of different specialists, but podiatrists are the ones who address the feet directly. We at Mercer-Ocean Podiatry want our patients to know that with the right precautions, they can remain healthy and active.

People are much less likely to fall when their feet and ankles are stable and flexible. We often advise seniors to do low-impact exercises, such as cycling and swimming, that won’t erode their joint cartilage or risk further flattening their feet under the weight of their bodies. It’s never too late to start exercising, although it may be better to begin under professional supervision. We also advise that seniors wear shoes with good grip on the soles as often as possible, including while at home. Customized orthotics can be designed for use with slippers. Seniors should also keep walkways well-lit and clear of obstructions such as cords and upturned carpets.  They should check their feet regularly for injuries they may not have felt, and if they do feel pain, they can visit us for anti-inflammatory medication.

Dr. Frank Killian and Dr. Sameep Chandrani run Mercer-Ocean Podiatry. For the location at 2103 Whitehorse Mercerville Road, Hamilton Township, New Jersey, 08619, call 609-585-3200. For the location at 202 Rte 37 W, Suite 4, Toms River, New Jersey, 08755, call 732-557-4266. Visit New Jersey Foot.



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