Winter Foot Care

Whether you have a snowy winter season or not, it’s important to keep your feet warm in the colder months. Unavoidable weather conditions make it a dangerous time to have a foot injury. Ice and snow also increase your risk of ankle sprains and fractures. That’s why Drs. Frank Killian and Sameep Chandrani of Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC, have put together this winter care guide. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to our staff in Hamilton Township and Toms River, NJ.


The best tip for keeping your feet toasty is wearing the appropriate shoes. Slips and falls are huge hazards in the winter months. Try not to make risky shoe choices, like high heels. We recommend shoes that are low-heeled or boots. These provide you with the necessary traction. It makes the difference between slipping outside and a normal day! You don’t want to end up with a foot injury. You also need to invest in properly insulated footwear. You need water-resistant or insulated shoes to stay warm. It’s the best practice for preventing frostbite. This is especially true if you suffer from any medical conditions that affect your blood flow.


Keeping your feet dry is the best way to stop fungal infections in their tracks. Moisture breeds fungal infections, which develop between the toes. This includes Athlete’s foot. Wear appropriate socks for the weather. Water-resistant socks keep your feet protected from the elements.


Lastly, the best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with your Hamilton Township and Toms River, NJ, podiatrist. If you suffer an injury, see us right away. While you wait, follow the RICE principle: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Feet exposed to the elements for longer amounts of time can be soaked in warm water. This allows for the gradual re-acclimation.


Don’t let the cold weather stop you from a great holiday season! Schedule an appointment at Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC. Drs. Frank Killian and Sameep Chandrani are here for your podiatry needs. We have two offices, one in Hamilton Township and the other in Toms River, NJ. You can visit our website to schedule your appointment. You can also call each office. For Hamilton Township, call 609-585-3200. To call Toms River, dial 732-557-4266.


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