
Showing posts from November, 2018

Post-Operative Swelling

When patients require surgery, we at Mercer-Ocean Podiatry provide compassionate assistance. Swelling is to be expected following surgery—it’s an important part of the immune response. But we know patients will be more at ease if they are aware of what to expect, and if something does go wrong, we want them to know to contact us. RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is the standard care protocol following surgery. Recovery time will vary but can be expected to take at least a few weeks. During this time, patients should avoid putting any weight on their affected foot, even to put it on the floor. They should try to keep it at a higher elevation than their heart. At some point, they will transfer from a cast to a brace, if they weren’t in one to start. It is important with either for the bandages to remain dry. Putting ice in a water-tight sleeve will prevent moisture from leaking. Neither cold packs nor hot packs should be pressed against the skin for more than fifteen minutes

National Diabetes Awareness Month

The doctors at Mercer-Ocean Podiatry play an important part in our diabetic patients’ care teams. Because of the accumulation of acidic crystals in the lower limbs and problems such as neuropathy, vascular disease, and weakened bones, diabetic people need to pay close attention to their feet. But patients may not know exactly when they need to see a podiatrist, which is why National Diabetes Awareness Month is an especially good time to provide guidance. When people have neuropathy, numbness in their feet may prevent them from becoming aware of an injury or infection. That’s why they need to inspect their feet daily and take precautions with what they wear. Pretty much any time a patient finds a problem, it’s best for them to seek care, since they may not be able to determine how deep a problem goes. Their immune systems may struggle to handle bacteria that enter through an ulcer, for example, and they shouldn’t try to remove corns on their own. They should also seek help if they notic

Bone Spurs

Bone spurs typically occur because of continued stress or rubbing of a bone for a prolonged period of time. They can form in any bone but are most commonly found in joints, where two or more bones come together. Bone spurs can be found in people with plantar fasciitis and tendinitis. Whatever the cause, Dr. Frank Killian of Mercer-Ocean Podiatry, PC can discuss treatment options with you.   Bone spurs do not always cause symptoms. Many people have bone spurs but do not realize. However, if bone spurs rub against other bones or nearby soft tissues they can cause pain. To diagnose a bone spur, Dr. Frank Killian will likely begin with a medical history and physical examination. The physical examination will include testing the joints that are affected to determine how much motion you have and how much pain you experience. If you are having problems with increased pain in your joints or loss of motion, call us immediately. If you have questions or concerns regarding podiatry, please give u